JF Kitchen

The secret of starting a food and beverage business at ultra-low cost

The secret of starting a food and beverage business at ultra-low cost

The secret of starting a food and beverage business at ultra-low cost!!! The food and beverage business has always been a popular choice for entrepreneurs. However, in today’s economic environment, the traditional restaurant model is no longer a cost-effective option. With the prevalence of delivery platforms and cloud kitchens, food and beverage entrepreneurs can enter […]

3 ways to find the best time to post IG posts for your account [2024 updated version]

3 ways to find the best time to post IG posts for your account [2024 updated version]

You can start testing by using the best posting times.  Check the performance of your posts on the professional dashboard. Remember, the key is testing at different times on different days to find the most suitable time.  If you have been using a professional account for a while, your account has accumulated enough data to help […]

Limited Company vs Unlimited Company, how should entrepreneurs choose?

Limited Company vs Unlimited Company, how should entrepreneurs choose?

A. Limited Company A limited company refers to limited liability, meaning that if the company incurs debts during operations and is unable to repay them, generally, the company’s debts will not affect the personal assets of the shareholders. When should you open a “Limited Company”? To achieve effective risk management When the company founders intend […]

Get to know three common restaurant licenses in one minute

Get to know three common restaurant licenses in one minute

General Restaurant License (Big License): Common in cha chan tengs (Hong Kong-style cafes), Chinese restaurants, and various Western restaurants. Allows for dine-in and takeaway services. Cooking can be done using open flames or electric stoves. Permits the preparation and sale of food using any cooking methods. Light Refreshment Restaurant License (Small License): Can only sell […]